Форум программы Checkersland.

fabricio 28.09.2017 02:26:55
ola pessoal! passando para avisar, que criamos um grupo no whatszap, todos usam o app checkesland, quem quiser participar de qualquer lugar do mundo, esta convidado basta entrar em contato comigo no zap +55839963965 que te adiciono, jogamos regras brasileiro/alemão é muito divertido vale a pena.
Bentjudges 27.09.2017 07:51:55
You implemented croda with wrong rules!!
Namely, a man in croda can't move to the left or right fields e.g. a man at d4 can move to c5,d5 and e5 only NOT to c4 nor to e4.
Please, correct this!
arabezier 27.09.2017 04:00:33
I just updated the PC version, please download it
Thank you very much !
Pavel Porvatov 27.09.2017 02:59:49
Не могу с компа подключиться к серверу. Пишет, что версия устарела. А на странице скачки - 2017.09.06. У меня такое же показывает. пробовал скачивать - эффект тот же. Версия для смартфона тоже требовала скачать, но скачалась и подключилась. Так задумано?
Новая версия доступна для скачивания, извините за задержку
Pavel Porvatov 27.09.2017 02:58:29
não estou conseguindo me conetar ao servido via pc, está falando que a versão é antiga, ja tentei baixar novamente mas sem sucesso, aparece a mesma mensagem, o que fazer?
I just updated the PC version, please download it
Pavel Porvatov 27.09.2017 02:56:45
1 why dameo is problem? And there is no problem with Killer ensure

2 one man can hav maaaany nix

3 ar they pro?

4 Country language etcetera is not private

5 u deleted bots, thx game is4humans

6 shame...

7 why u always MUST use new version? I prefer old... can u mak upgrade OPTONAL?
1. It contains non-standard move (line move)

2. Yes, it's possible

3. Pasha is my account, I'm pro BTW

4. Some people don't want to share such info

7. Not always, only when the game protocol between client/server is changed. Because I'm adding new features regularly you have to update the game. 2 Mb is not a big deal I believe
fabricio 26.09.2017 22:20:27
alguém me ajuda?
fabricio 26.09.2017 22:18:25
não estou conseguindo me conetar ao servido via pc, está falando que a versão é antiga, ja tentei baixar novamente mas sem sucesso, aparece a mesma mensagem, o que fazer?

A sua versão do Checkersland é antiga e incompatível com o servidor de jogo
aleksisto 26.09.2017 05:04:21
Не могу с компа подключиться к серверу. Пишет, что версия устарела. А на странице скачки - 2017.09.06. У меня такое же показывает. пробовал скачивать - эффект тот же. Версия для смартфона тоже требовала скачать, но скачалась и подключилась. Так задумано?
fabricio 26.09.2017 04:37:37
PC Checkersland is outdated!
omo encontro uma versão atualizada?
fabricio 26.09.2017 04:32:48
como encontro a versão atualizada?
arabezier 26.09.2017 03:40:56
[08:38:10] Your Checkersland version is outdated and incompatible with the game server
PC Checkersland is outdated!
arabezier 26.09.2017 03:39:05
[08:38:10] Your Checkersland version is outdated and incompatible with the game server
fabricio 25.09.2017 15:05:50
não estou conseguindo me conetar ao servido via pc, está falando que a versão é antiga, ja tentei baixar novamente mas sem sucesso, aparece a mesma mensagem, o que fazer?
Slązak 25.09.2017 08:14:22
1. Dameo is difficult to add in current game.

2. There are many real players. Leaderboards contain people how played at least once last month, so you can calculate them.

3. What's wrong with the mentioned players?

4. I don't collect any private information about players, so no country, age etc

5. Just don't connect to the bots. I'm going to add some filter later

6. No tournaments in near future
1 why dameo is problem? And there is no problem with Killer ensure

2 one man can hav maaaany nix

3 ar they pro?

4 Country language etcetera is not private

5 u deleted bots, thx game is4humans

6 shame...

7 why u always MUST use new version? I prefer old... can u mak upgrade OPTONAL?
Pavel Porvatov 25.09.2017 06:40:49
iphone cannot get checkerland?
Unfortunately there is no iphone version of the game
AZYS 22.09.2017 01:10:25
iphone cannot get checkerland?
aleksisto 10.09.2017 19:21:40
В последней версии вернул поддержку Java 1.7, теперь должно работать
Действительно, работает. Спасибо!
Pavel Porvatov 05.09.2017 17:48:38
Читаешь: The game requires Java version 1.7 or higher. There are no special hardware requirements.

По Пруткову "Если на клетке льва видишь надпись 'буйвол', не верь глазам своим".
В последней версии вернул поддержку Java 1.7, теперь должно работать
Pavel Porvatov 05.09.2017 03:49:49
I want to change my password
Why? There is no such option now