Free online checkers program for Android.
Checkersland Online is a free Android program for playing more than 30 kinds of checkers with other people over the Internet.

- Supported kinds of checkers: 80-cellular, Argentinian, Armenian, Brazilian/German, Canadian, checkers/American, corners (12 draughts), corners (9 draughts), croda, crowded, Czech, diagonal, Filipino, give-away, gothic, Greek, international/Polish, Italian, Jamaican, laska, lika, Malaysian/Singaporean, Mozambican, pool, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, sparse, Sri Lankian, stavropol, Thai, towers, towers give-away, Turkish Dama
- Guest mode without registration is available
- Minimal network permissions are required
- Supported overall game statistics, players rating and leaderboard
- Beautiful interface and several board skins: wood, marble and leather
- The game supports more than 10 languages: Deutsch, English, Español, Filipino, Francais, Italiano, Latviešu, Magyar, Polski, Português, Turkce, Česky, Русский, Українська, العربية, ไทย, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 한국어. The program allows to add any new language, see more details in interface of the program translation chapter
- Fluid move animation
- Moves selection is possible by touching and dragging
- Chat with the opponent (for registered users only)
- Additional useful settings: sound, possible move highlighting, quick move selection, disable screen dimming or deny screen auto-rotation
- The game is optimized very well and its size is about 1 megabyte, so it doesn't take up a lot of space on your phone or tablet
Note, that there are no many online players yet, so you should either wait for other players, or invite your friends.